Monday, October 24, 2011

Spring Break Lessons

Monday morning as I was enjoying 'sleeping in' I was interrupted by my oldest son. He knocked on the door and entered with my cell phone in hand and said "Dad says you have to come get him". WHAT? He left at least 20 minutes before this and I was perplexed. I answered the phone to find that he had a dead battery. So I rushed to get dressed, grabbed the keys and drove to his rescue. Murphy's law, when you least CAN afford for even the little things to go wrong is when they happen. We just spent a large amount to fix this car because it gets better gas mileage and Tim's job has him driving all over South Alabama. With the price of gas, and a delayed paycheck for my contribution to the family budget, we decided that even though it is spring break, we would wait until the end of the week (payday) instead of dipping into our savings (which isn't very much yet).

Of course this means that I am the MOM at HOME for spring break with no transportation. As we all know kids can only occupy themselves at home for so long then they are asking "What can we do? We are BORED!!"

Here's what we did . . .
 Built a tent in the backyard . . .
Found interesting things on our way to lunch.

Walked to lunch at Subway our favorite spot!!

Dorothy shopped for a few things for dinner, we climbed on the logs outside the store

frolicked in the meadow . . .

took a break from our walk . . .

looked for shapes in the clouds . . .

ran through the tall grass . . .

found bird nests

traveled  the path less traveled  . . .

enjoyed the outdoors . . .

ran through the dry drain ditches . . . 

We found out that we don't need a car we only need what the good Lord gave us, our feet and the air outside:)


  1. a little late, I noticed that this blog wasn't published last spring... just adding it now 6 months late . . .

  2. I was wondering if you had Spring Break in October? :)Looks like the perfect Spring Break to me!! Kim~
